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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Democrats’ show of values

With reference to The National’s live coverage of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago (August 22): These were a couple of great evenings and great speeches. Michelle Obama delivered a great one on family values, respect for all people, diversity, compassion, the admiration of children for the achievements of their parents and grandparents. It is all what America should be about and the direction it should go in. We used to have all this. Many of us grew up in wonderful families that prided honesty and integrity. Unfortunately, we seem to be losing much of it. November’s election has to be about a return to those values. No more hate, no more racist mockery and nasty rhetoric that brings nothing but division and violence. This night felt like Democrats and even many Republicans were united about the worth of these values. So many voters want these values back in American life.
Aisha Jibreel Anderson, Chicago, US
Barack Obama’s speech was hypocrisy at its finest. He’s talking about movie sequels when his own second term was pretty bad. For all the enthusiasm around Kamala Harris, she might just bring America to a new low in regard the billions of dollars going to Israel. Sadly, so would Donald Trump.
Ammar M Abi, New Jersey, US
What the US does not need is four more years of Democratic chaos. The only solution is for people to turn out to vote in large numbers to help Trump to win November’s election.
Roxanne Kosberg, Florida
Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was getting a lot of praise but he shouldn’t have anything to say after all the things he’s done. Being named on the Jeffrey Epstein files would be enough for some people to go into hiding.
Octavio Veliz, Mexico City
America can do without a lot of these morally bankrupt people in charge. The focus should be on ending the war in Gaza.
Paloma B, Kuwait City
What did Blinken achieve on this trip?
With regard to Amr Mostafa’s report No breakthrough on Gaza ceasefire deal as Blinken wraps up Middle East tour (August 21) Blinken’s trip was futile considering Palestinian civilians are still getting killed.
Paul Silveira, Melbourne, Australia
The US and Israel need to give up the pretence of caring for the hostages at this point.
Chloe Mac Oisdealbhaigh, Lisbon, Portugal
Palestinian children are dealing with trauma
With reference to the video Palestinian child loses hair due to fear of Israeli air strikes (Aug 22): I really hope little Sama feels better and her hair grows back before she returns to school. It’s hardly surprising that Palestinian children are having to deal with these added problems due to all the trauma they’ve been living with for so many months.
Debbie Wood, Dubai
